What is your card?

Are you playing your cards right?

What is Cardology?

Cardology is an ancient system that uses playing cards (yes those cards) to decode your life’s path, personality traits, talents, relationships, and challenges

Have you ever stopped to wonder what or if there is a deeper meaning behind playing cards? Why are there 52 cards in the deck? Why four suits? What do these suits represent, if anything?

  • 52 calendar weeks per year = 52 playing cards
  • 4 seasons per year = 4 suits in the deck (i.e., Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades)
  • 1 season or 13 weeks = 13 playing cards per suit
  • 12 months = 12 Royal face cards (i.e., Jacks, Queens, Kings)
  • 365 days = 52 playing cards (52 x 7 = 364) + 1 Joker
  • 12 Royal/Face Cards represent the 12 months of the year and 12 hours in a day / night
  • The 4 Suits in the deck (Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, and Spades) represent
    • the 4 seasons in the year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
    • the 4 elements of life (Earth, Air, Water, Fire)
    • the 4 basic laws of physics (matter, energy, motion, and force)
  • The colors Red and Black represent Positive/Negative, Masculine/Feminine, and Day/Night

What does this mean for you?

Cardology is also used to extract information from names using the Latin Alphabet. Each card is assigned a letter in the alphabet.

  • 26 upper case letters + 26 lower case letters = 52 playing cards

What can a card reading help you discover?

  • Your personality traits, soul’s purpose and what you are here to learn in this lifetime.
  • The obstacles and opportunities you might experience during each year of your life.
  • The compatibility of relationships between you and another person.
  • How to communicate with your friends, family, and business associates.
  • How to find your career, and or life path.
  • Your gifts. Or the gifts of your children.

Find your birthdate
to see your card

Self-discovery: Cardology can help you better understand yourself. Knowing your cards will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and provide guidance on how to improve your life.

From Cards to Clarity

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About Dwann Brown

Dwann Brown is a certified Cardologer who helps people find greater insight and direction in their lives through card readings with everyday playing cards. Dwann combines his intuitive empathic card reading ability and comedic wit to deliver a one-of-a-kind experience to each client. He is well recognized for his accurate and insightful consultations as he connects personally and intimately with energy of each client to deliver highly personalized insight and recommendations. Truly a man of the people, Dwann services everyone from curious first-timers, experienced seekers and even celebrities.

As a multifaceted problem-solver, Dwann is also a certified Relationship Coach, author, keynote speaker, and founder of Breakthrough Advocacy Services specializing in improving interpersonal relationships by strengthening communication. He has combined his gift of intuition with 25 years of experience working with families to help people resolve challenges and overcome struggles to live the fulfilling life they deserve. Dwann also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Studies from California State University at Northridge.